Home / "Sha" fabric softener "Lavender" (canister)

"Sha" fabric softener "Lavender" (canister)-3lt

Fabric softener

"Şа" Fabric Softener "Lavender" is a touch of natural freshness and comfort in every fiber of your clothing. Transform your everyday laundry routine into a fragrant ritual with the lavender fabric softener, infusing your garments with the gentle scent of summer fields, filling them with coolness and tranquility.

Simply add the fabric softener in the final stage of your laundry cycle, and your fabrics will not only be as soft as a cloud but will also carry the delightful fragrance of lavender. Allow yourself to immerse into an atmosphere of calmness and freshness every time you wear your favorite clothes. "Şа" Fabric Softener "Lavender" is for those who appreciate not only cleanliness but also the soothing touch of nature in every thread.

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